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Art is the soul of creativity
Stopciati Gallery features a wide range of original paintings and collectible reproductions by contemporary Canadian Master Artist, Giovanni (John) Stopciati. The paintings reflect many years of study and discovering his natural surroundings, which he displays as a visual journal of his travels and experiences.

About the Artist
John Stopciati
Born in Loreto, Italy, on the scenic Adriatic coast, Giovanni immigrated to Canada at an early age. Always having shown an enthusiastic interest in art, his efforts and abilities were recognized, and awarded at an early age.
Self taught, Giovanni's proficiency and use of different media provides him with the versatility and flexibility to utilize the medium that would best convey his chosen subject. His paintings cannot be confined to one particular category as they encompass many, with ever broadening boundaries.
For over thirty years the historical and scenic beauty of Manitoulin Island and Georgian Bay continues to inspire him, as he translates these visual images on his sensitive and finely detailed papers and canvas. The integrity of his paintings is appreciated by all those who have come in contact with him and the land that he lives in.

A Few Words By The Artist
"Since the 70's the historical and scenic splendour of this land has and continues to be the dominant inspiration for my paintings, as I portray the effects of light and the forces of this world, as it perpetually recreates itself with the passing of time.
My paintings reflects the countless hours and years of intimate study and discovering these natural surroundings, thus, continually enhancing my abilities to faithfully portray nature, displaying them as a visual journal of my travels and experiences, preserving them for generations to come.
Over the many years of using various techniques and application of texture, colour, and shapes, my passion continues to take me on an endless journey to capture the elusive and challenging subject of light, and how it displays the profound depth and elements of our fragile nature which we are inseparably linked to. My paintings lure the viewer to absorb the scents and sounds in a visual suspension of a fleeting moment in a landscape, already disappearing in my own lifetime.
I hope my desire to share these paintings will enhance peoples lives by recalling their own personal experiences, and with the natural world, bringing attention to the not-so-obvious, all of which make up this wonderful world."
-John Stopciati